"There is no crueller tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and
in the name of justice."
Charles de Montesquieu,
The Directors of The Australian Justice Tribunal closed down this charity (Public Benevolent Institution) on Thursday, 30 April 2020. A form 6010 “voluntary deregistration of a company” was immediately lodged with the ASIC.
We would like to extend our eternal thanks to those caring Australians who supported our cause under some of the most difficult circumstances over many years.
There are few charities that ask their volunteers to dig deep into their own pockets. In our case we had asked exactly that. Each of our volunteers had funded their own daily activities so crucial to assisting those who desperately needed pro bono legal representation.
We would also wish every success to those Law Firms who had so generously offered their pro bono support to our clients. And a big thank you to our retired Lawyers who have guided so many through the steps of self-representation in Australian courts.
God bless all of you.
Garth Eaton
Former Chairman